Wednesday, November 26, 2014

8 Things to Throw Away and Forget About

"the books I have to read" by conejoazul is licensed under CC BY 2.0
Forget about spring cleaning - winter is the time to go through things and clean. You’re stuck inside, you may have extra days off around the holidays and you need to make room for all the things you received as holiday gifts. If you hate to throw things away, these items (courtesy of Apartment Therapy) are things you can get rid of and never look back!

Coffee Mugs: Many people mindlessly collect mugs, much like business cards or matchbooks. There are instant, affordable souvenirs to mindlessly reach for and/or to accept as gifts. Harmless enough gestures at the time, there’s no denying their tendency to linger without true purpose. You’ll always reach first for your favorite morning mug, and ignore the rest of the porcelain in the back of your kitchen cabinet.

Travel Size Toiletries: Are you one of those people who just grab the hotel shampoo and soap, and stuff it in your luggage, even if you don’t need it? If you have a huge stash that you’ve squirreled away somewhere, think about paring down the collection.

Old Medication: It feels weird to get rid of something that requires a medical license procure. Yet most pills in your medicine cabinet are woefully out of date, or you have no idea what they were originally prescribed for. I’m all for pushing the expiration dates beyond what’s recommended, but do toss the ones that are dated from 2005 or that you have no idea what they are.

Vases: These breed faster than rabbits, especially those generic FTD-type vessels that lack personality. If you’ve ever been gifted flowers, you know these are unwelcome interlopers amongst actual useful glassware.

Food Storage Containers: These are the refrigerator gifts that keep on giving. They are cheap to acquire, yet just precious enough to cling to — without realizing that you really, really don’t need as many as you have. Take a moment to get rid of extra lids, super stained plastic ones, and the ones you never ever use. (I’m just realizing that I have “favorite” Tupperware. Kill me now.)

Party Supplies: Paper plates, napkins, and candles hold such promise and are hard to resist - of a perfect evening with friends and convivial conversation, decorated just so. Host enough events and you find yourself overflowing with extras and odd men out.

Craft Supplies: Every DIYer and crafter's Achilles heel is that fabric stash, that beautiful yarn waiting for the perfect project, and your fifty types of glue. You have enough stuff to make until the Apocalypse at this rate, so time to cull the collection, use what you have, or get rid of it.

Books: Don’t worry about the classics, go for the cheap thrillers in paperback you have lying around — the ones clogging your nightstand and needlessly crowding your shelves. Most likely you won’t pick up these same books twice, especially in today’s digital age. Let go of that visual notch in your literary bedpost, and free yourself from housing an entire library.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Happy Budget-Friendly Thanksgiving

"Thanksgiving Turkey" by tuchodi is licensed under CC BY 2.0
The holidays can be a stressful time of the year, especially if you’re living on a tight budget. In addition to your regular monthly spending, there are also presents, decorations and extra outings to take into account. The holiday season kicks off with Thanksgiving, so let’s explore how to save money on this holiday so you have a little more to spend on Christmas. Try these tips from Apartment Guide:

Handling the Turkey
Many grocery stores run promotions on their turkeys, offering them up as loss leaders. The turkeys are a standard part of the Thanksgiving dinner, so you’re going to buy one no matter what.

The grocery stores want to get you in the door to purchase all the extra fixings that go along with this meal. Some stores offer free turkeys if you have enough reward points through their programs, while others price their turkeys at under $1 per pound.

If you have the space in your fridge and you don’t mind waiting for the turkey to thaw, get even more for your money by opting for frozen turkey. It takes a few days to completely thaw a turkey, so keep that in mind if you want to go this route. Avoid running the turkey under water to thaw it out, as this results in a dangerous temperature level for food safety.

Keep an Eye on Coupons
Another way to cut down on your Thanksgiving meal costs is by maximizing coupon use for your local stores. Check the grocery store sites and manufacturers’ websites the closer you get to Thanksgiving. Wait for your grocery stores to coupon match existing coupons so you get double the value.

Create a Meal Plan
Before heading to the grocery store, create a complete meal plan so you don’t end up purchasing far more than what you actually need. When you purchase only what you need, you won’t have to worry about significant food waste after the festivities.

After all, you’ll have plenty of leftovers to deal with in the week after. Another benefit of creating a meal plan is having a concise grocery list to consult when you’re making your purchases. To save the most amount of time, organize your grocery list according to the aisles in your store.

Skip the Boxed Options
Boxed and prepackaged sides are tempting when you’re cooking for a large group, but creating everything from scratch is less expensive, healthier and gives you better control over what you’re putting in the food.

Stock up on ingredients such as butter, flour, eggs, sugar, bread and other essentials necessary for creating classic Thanksgiving dishes. Many recipe sites provide step-by-step instructions, or even videos, to help with creating these dishes. You don’t have to be a master chef to create a memorable Thanksgiving for your friends and family at your apartment.

Understand Your In-Season Options
One thing that drives up your costs is attempting to buy produce out of season. Not only do you get lower quality produce, you’re also paying a premium because it is shipped across the country, or even internationally.

Watch for the in-season options in your area, such as Brussels sprouts and other late harvest vegetables. If you must have something not in season, go to your frozen food section. These vegetables are flash frozen when harvested, so they are at peak quality compared to the out-of-season produce offerings.

The exact type of produce available varies based on your geographic location, and if you’re lucky, there may be a farmers markets continuing into November to provide you with farm-fresh produce.

Consider a Thanksgiving Meal Potluck
Want to really cut down on the cost without asking your friends and family to pitch in monetarily? Ask them to bring side dishes, drinks or desserts for a Thanksgiving potluck. A potluck is also great if you have vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free or friends with other dietary restrictions who worry they won’t have anything to eat beyond a veggie platter at your dinner.

If possible, create a collaborative list so all your guests see who is bringing what to your get together. With a collaborative list, you won’t end up with three bowls of pasta salad and no extra desserts. Handle the basics yourself, such as the Thanksgiving turkey, gravy, stuffing and cranberry sauce.

What tips do you have to offer on saving during Thanksgiving?

Friday, November 14, 2014

Be a Stress-Free Holiday Host

"Guest room" by Uriah Welcome is licensed under CC BY 2.0
It’s the most wonderful time of the year...okay, and maybe the most stressful. If you are entertaining friends or family from out of town at your home, the stress levels can increase exponentially depending on what type of house guests you have. However, if you set reasonable expectations for you and your guests, their stay will go quite smoothly! Try following these tips from Apartment Therapy, and who knows, maybe you’ll have such a good time that you’ll want to host Airbnb guests year round?!

1. Properly prep the room — Clean sheets are a must, of course, but also think about things like hangers, a glass for water and a phone charger. If your guests are sleeping in a multi-purpose room like an office, try to clear the surfaces and put away personal items so they don't feel like they're snooping into your affairs simply by staying.

2. Stockpile essentials — No guest wants to have to ask their host for extra toilet paper or toothpaste. Set out a few extras of the essential things they might need and avoid awkward rummaging around in the linen closet in the middle of the night. And fyi, an extra blanket at the end of the bed is never a bad idea.

3. Be crystal clear — Don't make your guests guess what's okay to use or do in your house. You want them to feel comfortable, and the best way to make that happen is by giving them them the full scoop right off the bat. Is all food and drink up for grabs? Are there rooms that are off limits? Especially important when hosting a crowd, getting everyone on the same page will prevent problems all visit long.

4. Write everything down — If you're leaving your guests or a house sitter alone in your home then they're going to need something to refer to. Sure, you told them to jiggle the handle of the downstairs toilet and that the TV needs to be on channel three, but trust us, too much info all at once means they retained very little. Write it all down to save them frustration and prevent any house disasters to boot.

5. Give your guests a schedule, but don't smother them — It's great to spend time together (that's why they're there) but remember that downtime is important, too. They may have a few things they want to do solo like going for a run in the morning or seeing another friend in your town. As the host, strike the perfect balance by planning a few group activities with some breaks in between (which will also give you, the host, some alone time). Say something like, "This afternoon is free time but we'll see you at home for dinner at 7," so everyone knows the plan and can organize their time accordingly.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Create a Calming Apartment

"Whitney has a grown-up house" by V Smoothe is licensed under CC BY 2.0
Whether you just moved into your current apartment or are in the process of cleaning or rearranging, it’s important to decorate it in a way that makes you feel relaxed and at home. After all, the best part of the day is kicking off your shoes and relaxing, right? How do you create your apartment getaway? Follow these tips, courtesy of House Beautiful:

1. All rooms are important: Even those that are overlooked or unattended. Whether it’s a space you haven’t finished decorating or the family catchall, it often feels easier to close the door on these rooms and deal with them another day. Unfortunately, they weigh on your unconscious and zap your energy—they are essentially a task left undone. Create home harmony by making each space in your home inspired.

2. Conquer Clutter: Clutter produces physical and unconscious chaos. Not only can it leave you scrambling to find the keys as you are racing out the door but it can weigh on you even when you are sitting at your desk 20 miles away. Put a plan in place. Whether it’s ready to burst from behind closet doors or it’s those piles of paper on the dining room table, it is time to tackle the tasks and tame the tension it creates.

3. Color: Color impacts you on an emotional, psychological and physical level. Studies have shown that color can change body temperature and appetite. It can affect your mood or level of energy. Begin to become aware of how different colors impact you before determining what hue to paint your walls.                 

4. Remove Bad Mojo: The experiences you have had in your life hang from the walls or sit on the shelves of your home.  You probably have memories associated with your couch or the picture on the wall.  When the associations are negative these reminders can drain you. Be aware of the items in your home that are associated with undesirable feelings. By removing this “bad mojo” you will be one step closer to creating a serene space.

5. Positive Vibes: Once you gain awareness of the memories that make up your home, notice those items that bring a smile to your face. Begin to add items from fun excursions that will remind you of good times and uplifting people.  These items will give you a boost and nurture and inspire you as you move through your home and life.

6. Sanctuary Slogan: Decide what qualities, characteristics and atmosphere you want to create and name it—this is your “Sanctuary Slogan”. We each have unique needs that our environment can support us in fulfilling; begin to determine how your environment can support you. Place this slogan in a spot that will serve as a daily reminder to help you stay focused on your ideal life and home.

7. Nurture Nature: Innately as humans we are designed to appreciate the natural beauty all around us. This is especially true in nature. By incorporating natural elements into your space you feed the intrinsic yearnings deep within you that foster a sense of inner calm and peace. Bring in a wood turned bowl, fountain or acorns to encourage a space of serenity.

8. Plant Power: Plants are important for many reasons when designing a restorative home. Not only is it an additional way to bring nature into your home, it also helps to clean and re-oxygenate the indoor air. Incorporating plants into your design will help to eliminate the noxious off-gasses from many products giving you a serene sigh of relief.

9. Welcome Windows: We are living in a toxic soup that can create disharmony and disease. Unfortunately the air trapped inside your home is many times more toxic than the air outdoors. Open your windows each day and remember to take a deep breath.

10. Technology Zones: Allocating spaces to play in, rest in and work in will help you unconsciously move from one activity to another with ease and grace. Design a layout within your home with designated areas for various activities. This creates an automatic cue to your subconscious informing you that it is time for a specific activity. This will help to construct a space that supports balance and harmony.

11. Take Action: It is easy to become overwhelmed with the to-do’s of daily living in the modern world.  Adding in items that need to be completed around your home can be wearisome. Take a moment to reflect on what you would like your home and life to look like and begin by taking small steps each day to create a calm and peaceful home. Remember that small steps will get you closer to your goal than inaction.

This article originally appeared on
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